Sunday, December 23, 2012

DIY: My leopard mirror from 8th grade...

In 8th grade, my entire room was leopard. It started with the classic Ralph Lauren leopard print comforter, and then it slowly just became "my thing". Soon enough I had leopard pillows, leopard string lights, a leopard bulletin board, and a leopard mirror.

I am glad that I made my mom keep the mirror all these years, because this week, I painted it and it's now in our front room. It started out gold with the outside border made from brown embossed leather.

Two colors of paint later...

There are a TON of imperfections with my DIY project, but eh, you can't really tell. The thing I seem to have the hardest time with in projects like this is dealing with removing the painters tape. Whenever I pull it off, it peels the pain right off with it. So this time, I used an exacto knife to slice the paint away from the tape before I peeled it off. I know that part of this could be solved by taking the tape off before the paint dries, but what do you do when you need to paint two coats? 

I forgot to take a before picture of the frame, so today I went over to my parents' house to see if I could find an old picture that the frame would be in the background of. No luck. I did, however, have to confront the realization that I was a tacky mess when I was younger. I don't know if I should blame it on the suburbs or wet seal, but I had a legit leopard addiction... and clear braces.

If memory serves correct, I had lots of friends in middle school. More than any other time of my life. But after going through hundreds of pictures today, it makes no sense. I wouldn't have been friends with me. Someone should have stepped in and told me to pump the breaks.

This picture was taken after the 8th grade dance aka the day I finally convinced my mom to let me get solar nails. You can clearly see that I had leopard sheets and that my name is Lauren.

Christmas morning 1999. Every 8th grader wants a leopard blanket from Santa...

New Years. What? You didn't have a leopard tube top with attached black feathers? Tastefully covered up by your knit shrug? I am sure my friend in this picture has no desire to be on my blog, so I blurred his face in the interest of his privacy. He's pretty good looking under there...

And yes. You can bet your ass I had some 2 inch thick rocket dog platform sandals with leopard toe straps. 

Moving on to senior year...

You're welcome.
