Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our House...

Now that we are moving back to Houston, Thomas and I have bought a house! As most of you know, the reason we met is because our parents' became neighbors when we were in college... And now we'll ALL be neighbors. We aren't moving into their neighborhood, but just outside of it - about a 5 minute walk. Given that we will be in the suburbs, the location is great. We are within walking distance of our church and a big park that I am sure our kids will be playing soccer at someday. The biggest attraction on this house was its newness. As much as I would like to completely remodel an older home with more charm, I just couldn't face the challenge at this point in life. Just the idea of moving in and having to do NOTHING relaxes me. But of course, I DO have design plans...

The entrance...
You can see how the front door opens to a formal living slash dining room combo. I like the arches and curved corners on the walls. No big plans to change anything here yet. We have a dining table from my parents that I might paint a dark blue as well as reupholster the chairs. 

On the other side of the dining room is the kitchen...
The kitchen is very basic, but perfectly suitable. Depending how long we live here, I would probably want to remodel. We could extend the cabinetry all the way down the back wall and spiff up all the finishings. Off the bat, I know I want to hang a cool light fixture over the sink. Maybe something like this...

The living room... I have no idea what I will do here. We have a couch and chair that I am SO OVER, but we probably aren't going to throw down for furniture right away. 
I already have some ideas that include a cowhide rug and a lucite coffee table. In Texas, you can get cowhides for around $100 if you go to a small town, but I am finding that lucite tables are super expensive. There are some acryllic options out there that might get the point across. My current lucite obsession started when I saw THIS at anthropologie...
I died when I saw this end table. The modernity of the lucite mixed with the rope and hardware got me deep down at my core. The problem is this is $998, and I really can't justify that for an end table.

Where the magic happens...
I already know what I am going to do here. Neutral Fabric headboard (we're registered at pottery barn if you would like to contribute :)), and I would also like to make a cornice or valence for the bed with fabric hanging down. Kind of like this... But not so formal or traditional. Plus, I already have a the perfect gold mirror that I scored at an estate sale for $18.

For the master bath, I immediately plan to install some sort of window treatment. But other than that, it's a nice clean slate that is an extreme upgrade from the shoebox we currently have as a bathroom.

Upstairs, there is a gameroom and three bedrooms. None of which we need at the moment. Although the idea of decorating a nursery makes me feel all tingly!

So that's our house! We close on October 24th, 12 days before our wedding. And yes, I'm little overwhelmed.
