I know you're tired of hearing it, but I want to catch you up on some body that I used to know.
Ironically, at the beginning of the year, in the midst of a strong a commitment to crossfit and the paleo diet, I decided to enter a body makeover contest with Oxygen Magazine. I took a lot of measurements and had Thomas take a bunch of "before" photos. Like the next day, I found out I was pregnant. If there was any part of me that kind of freaked out at the news of a surprise pregnancy, it was only the part of me that felt so determined to accomplish my diet and fitness goals.
At first, I was convinced that I would continue to eat clean and go to crossfit well into my pregnancy. I was reading all these blogs by women who did crossfit throughout their pregnancy, and I was really excited to take on the challenge. Well, I tried for about a week. Then the morning sickness came on so fast and strong that I was basically in bed for the next six weeks, never to return to crossfit. And the diet? Please. I had more carbs while I was sick than I did the entire previous year. Not because I was going on a crazy pregnant binge, but because about all I could eat was cereal and various crackers/snacks/cookies.
I constantly have dreams about going back to crossfit post-birth and either 1 of 2 things always happens. 1. I am somehow magically stronger before I got pregnant and can do pullups and climb the rope like crazy, or 2. everything at the gym has changed from the people/coaches to the facilities, and no one is nice to me. In reality, I don't think either of those are possible.
So what you are about to see is proof that my parents probably loved me way too much as a child. Because no one in their right might would feel ok with putting these pictures of themselves on the internet. But, I'm keepin it real, yall. I actually made this over two weeks ago, and went back and forth on whether or not I should post it. The first picture was intended to be the "before" picture for weight loss... an unnattractive baseline from which I was suppose to get way hotter. Instead, I gained a ton of weight and grew a baby. Also, the first picture was taken from above by my husband, and the second was take from below with a self-timer. Just wanted to clarify why my chin is looking more like chins.
The truth is, I feel good about my body. This post is not meant to be entirely self-depricating. Looking back at the "before", I remember how badly I wanted to improve but it was to see how far I could push myself, not because I was unhappy. And now that I am 34 weeks pregnant and everything has gone to hell, a big part of me still just feels proud about what my body has done. Yeah, extra cellulite is not neccesary for growing a baby, but I have it, and I am surprisingly blase about it.
So now lets all hold hands, wear baltic amber necklaces, and talk about how all pregnant women are beautiful, and what's happening to our bodies is a mircale. We are, and it totally is.
Ironically, at the beginning of the year, in the midst of a strong a commitment to crossfit and the paleo diet, I decided to enter a body makeover contest with Oxygen Magazine. I took a lot of measurements and had Thomas take a bunch of "before" photos. Like the next day, I found out I was pregnant. If there was any part of me that kind of freaked out at the news of a surprise pregnancy, it was only the part of me that felt so determined to accomplish my diet and fitness goals.
At first, I was convinced that I would continue to eat clean and go to crossfit well into my pregnancy. I was reading all these blogs by women who did crossfit throughout their pregnancy, and I was really excited to take on the challenge. Well, I tried for about a week. Then the morning sickness came on so fast and strong that I was basically in bed for the next six weeks, never to return to crossfit. And the diet? Please. I had more carbs while I was sick than I did the entire previous year. Not because I was going on a crazy pregnant binge, but because about all I could eat was cereal and various crackers/snacks/cookies.
I constantly have dreams about going back to crossfit post-birth and either 1 of 2 things always happens. 1. I am somehow magically stronger before I got pregnant and can do pullups and climb the rope like crazy, or 2. everything at the gym has changed from the people/coaches to the facilities, and no one is nice to me. In reality, I don't think either of those are possible.
So what you are about to see is proof that my parents probably loved me way too much as a child. Because no one in their right might would feel ok with putting these pictures of themselves on the internet. But, I'm keepin it real, yall. I actually made this over two weeks ago, and went back and forth on whether or not I should post it. The first picture was intended to be the "before" picture for weight loss... an unnattractive baseline from which I was suppose to get way hotter. Instead, I gained a ton of weight and grew a baby. Also, the first picture was taken from above by my husband, and the second was take from below with a self-timer. Just wanted to clarify why my chin is looking more like chins.
So now lets all hold hands, wear baltic amber necklaces, and talk about how all pregnant women are beautiful, and what's happening to our bodies is a mircale. We are, and it totally is.