Monday, July 30, 2012

The Olympics: a pregnant woman's bff...

All I want to do is lay around and watch TV. That's been true pretty much my whole life, but even moreso now that I am pregnant. As soon as the Olympics began, I realized that I had the world at my lazy fingertips because NO ONE is going to question you about how much you're watching the Olympics... which I have been, pretty much non stop.

The really weird thing about it is that I hate watching sports. This is difficult to explain when you graduated from one of the most athletically competitive universities in the country. Don't get me wrong... if you invite me to some sort of party centered around a sports event (and you have food), I will totally be there. But I would rather watch a TLC show about a man with a 500 lb tumor than a football game on tv.

I don't know what it is about the Olympics, but I was literally clinging on to my blanket with anxiety watching women's powerlifting two nights ago. So you can imagine my stress level when swimming is on. Beach volleyball especially gets to me. I played competitively when I was younger, and I'd say I was a pretty good and very well-rounded volleyball player. Other than that, there is no sport that I can personally relate to so much. (Maybe ping-pong... I did win the women's division ping pong tournament while on vacation at Atlantis when I was 16. In taking the title, I beat a girl who brought her own ping pong paddle on vacation. The big prize was an Atlantis CD case).

GYMNASTICS. The real reason that we all watch the summer Olympics. I feel like my entire childhood could be chronicled by which ice skater or gymnast I was currently obsessed with. Nancy, Oksana, Kerri, Shannon, Kristy, Dominique (Monceanu, not Dawes)... these were the people I wanted to grow up to be. Unfortunately, as much as I tried, I was never good at gymnastics. It probably didn't help that I broke 5 feet and 100 lbs when I was 9 years old.

Let's be honest: this picture is the reason for this entire post...

The one thing that is guaranteed to always make me cry is watching Kerri Strug stick that vault on one foot. ONE FREAKING FOOT. I can hardly write about it without tearing up. 

So GO USA! The better you do, the more reasonable it is that I can put my life on hold to do absolutely nothing. Oh, and where are your scrunchies!?


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