There he is. And I didn't even charge you $18. Personally, I refuse to pay extra to go to IMAX and/or 3D movies, but was totally willing to shell out some extra cash to get a glimpse of our son's noggin. I also wanted to double check to make sure he is a boy so I can go ahead and start monogramming everything that will be his... even though we still have not chosen a name.
Turns out, the success of these ultrasounds is highly dependent on the baby - the position of the baby, their willingness to move, whether or not they have their foot in their mouth, etc.. All of these things worked against us today, and he was just would not wake the eff up and stop munching on the umbilical cord. Also, my placenta was in the way which is why his face is more blurry on the right side in all the pictures. We really tried everything to get him in a better position short of me doing a headstand. At one point, we even pretended like we were leaving and Thomas said very loudly "OK I GUESS IT'S TIME TO LEAVE..." and pretended to stomp out of the room. I think I saw the baby roll his eyes when we did that.
On the subject of ultrasounds, one thing I was surprised by in pregnancy is how few ultrasounds you get standard during prenatal care. I see people getting all these ultrasounds on facebook, and now I have no idea how/why that happens unless you are just constantly paying out of pocket for them or if you have a concern that needs to be checked out. We had an US at 6 weeks, 18 weeks, and don't have another one at the doctor until I'm almost full-term. So this ultrasound was a non-medical one that we got done at an ultrasound business. These kinds of places don't take insurance, so I shopped around for the cheapest one I could find. That turned out to be Baby Steps. It was $85 and we got like 5 print outs and 35 photos on a CD. I would compare the experience to going to get laser hair removal. They try to sell you all these "packages" and talk you into buying multiple sessions at once... and you just have to say no and leave before it gets awkward.
So for all of you that have had like 5 ultrasounds, can you please explain to me the specifics of how that happened? Am I just not working the system like I should be? Are there ways to trick your doctor into giving you more than is medically necessary?
Here is our son's face debut...
Because the pictures aren't terribly clear, I can't say much about who he looks like. Although, I'd say his mouth is all dad. Also, the fact that he wasn't hamming it up for the camera immediately indicates that he isn't taking after me... yet.
And before I go, please help us name this child. I know what you're thinking, and I've got an entire stack of expired Bed Bath & Beyond coupons for whoever wins.