At first, I had no idea what to get Henry for Christmas. He is just now starting to bat at toys, but still can't hold them on his own. And he already has a wasteful amount of clothing. But thanks to clever internet advertising, I realized there is a TON of stuff that Henry needs for Christmas.
... Bailey at told me that I needed this. It lights up and plays music. This is step one in Henry getting an iPad by age 3.
... These ended up being a lot bigger than I expected so it will probably be a while before Henry can grab them. But for now, he can enjoy feeling the texture.
... Also slightly advanced for his age. But he will enjoy looking at the stripes and hearing the rattle.
... ZIPPER. PAJAMAS. I've never met a snap that I didn't hate, so I've been trying to stock up on zipper jammies whenever I come across them. They get harder to find in bigger sizes, so I jumped on these. Plus, I LOVE Serena and Lily so I really couldn't resist.
...Pottery Barn should just sell these chairs in the hospital, because I think it's a right of passage that every child must have one. I love the snuggly sherpa fabric on this one, and it matches the color of Henry's vomit which will be easy to clean (or pretend it's not there).
... These things are everywhere now. They even have knock-off versions that you can buy in SkyMall. I know that this is intended for an older child, but Henry loves looking at lights and ceiling fans, so I figured he would enjoy the light show that this turtle provides.
... Keeping socks on babies is basically impossible, so Henry doesn't always wear them around the house. (Never let the grandma-types see your baby in bare feet unless you enjoy being lectured). However, I do worry about his feet when we go outside and I thought these little guys would keep his gigantic tootsies nice and warm on our walks.
So there you have it. That's what Henry can look forward to from Santa this year. I've decided that I'm not wrapping his presents (I'm lazy + waste of paper) so they're just sitting under the tree. In case he asks, tell Henry that all his mom wants for Christmas is a predictable bed time.